May 3, 2022


Read – John 20

What does it say?
Jesus rose from the grave and appeared to Mary Magdalene and the disciples, except for Thomas.

What does it mean?
The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest event in history. By it, Jesus defeated the power of death for all time. The risen Christ didn’t appear to unbelievers; He purposely came to His followers. To Mary, He gave renewed hope and sent her as a missionary to the disciples. To the 10 disciples hiding in fear, Jesus gave renewed courage and a new mission. When Thomas doubted the truth of the resurrection, Jesus appeared especially to renew his faith. The resurrection proves that Jesus is the Christ.

How should I respond?
Who first told you the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Knowing about the risen Lord Jesus carries a responsibility to go and tell. Faith requires action. But like the people in today’s passage, we all have stuff to overcome. Life is messy and can leave you discouraged, fearful, and full of doubt. God’s Word will renew your hope, courage, and faith so you, too, can go and tell. To whom is God sending you to tell the story of Jesus and what He’s done in your life? Today, how will your life reflect Thomas’ realization, “My Lord and my God!”?