May 31, 2021


Read – Isaiah 28

What does it say? |Isaiah announced the Lord’s judgment on Ephraim and His promise of the Cornerstone.

What does it mean?
The people of Ephraim perceived God’s Word as a list of “do’s and don’ts.” They took refuge in keeping the rules but failed to listen to God, even though He warned of judgment and promised to intervene to correct their wrong thinking. God would fulfill His promise of rescue through His Son, who never disappoints those who trust in Him. Trying to keep all the laws of Scripture is not enough. Only the Savior meets God’s standard of justice and righteousness required to rescue repentant sinners. God’s plans are dependable even when His people obstinately refuse to listen and choose to believe a lie.

How should I respond?
How well do you listen? While it’s important to listen to others, it’s imperative to listen carefully to the Truth, God’s Word. Scripture is God’s revelation of Himself for the purpose of having a personal relationship with mankind through Jesus. Religion is mankind’s way of trying to reach God; it burdens us with the lie that keeping all the rules and being good all the time determines our spiritual status. The real issue is Jesus, the Savior, who died in the place of every sinner. Those who choose to respond by trusting His sacrifice for sin are rescued from sin’s penalty to enjoy a personal relationship with Him. Don’t be deceived – listen to God’s Word, not religion’s lies.