November 10, 2018


Read – Read Amos 3

What does it say?
Even though the Lord chose the people of Israel out of all the families of the earth, He declared, “They do not know how to do right.”

What does it mean?
God had selected Israel for a unique relationship. They were the people through whom the Messiah would come into the world. Throughout their history, He had also provided His prophets to warn and guide them. However, the people had not kept His laws or heeded the prophets and were now at the point that they could no longer distinguish right from wrong. Hosea compared Israel’s relationship with God to two people trying to walk in sync, yet not agreeing on which path to take – it was an impossible task.

How should I respond?
It is impossible for two people to be close to each another if they disagree on important issues in life; the same is true of our relationship with God. When we sin, our relationship with Him suffers because we’re choosing to walk out of sync with Him. Since the Bible is the only true measure for knowing right from wrong, it is the only reliable guide for maintaining a close personal relationship with Christ. What area of disobedience has you on a path other than God’s plan? Walking in sync with God starts with one step of obedience followed by another.