November 11, 2019


Read – 1 Peter 4

What does it say?
Peter instructed believers to resist sinful behavior and live for God. He encouraged them to persevere and rejoice when they suffer for being followers of Christ.

What does it mean?
In this chapter Peter returned to his discussion of suffering and godly living. He reminded believers that Christ suffered and died for sin so that those who receive Him are able to end sinful behavior and live for righteousness. Christians should spend the rest of their time on the earth for God’s purposes, investing in the lives of others with whatever gifts God has given them. However, even as believers try to live purposeful lives, they will suffer insults and painful trials because of the name of Christ. But God will use those trials to bless them and enable them to live even more holy lives.

How should I respond?
Does it surprise you when others think you are bigoted and intolerant because of your faith? As Peter explained earlier, Christ left you an example to follow. Instead of being defensive or feeling discouraged, rejoice and continue to do what God has called you to do. God uses trials and even insults to purify and strengthen your faith. In what specific ways has He provided exactly what you need – at just the right time? Although it’s not always easy to respond gently and with grace, commit yourself to your “faithful Creator and continue to do good.