November 13, 2018
What does it say?
Amos pronounced woe on those who were complacent and secure, even while they ignored God’s law.
What does it mean?
Times were economically good for the nation of Israel, especially for the upper classes of society. Prosperity caused the nation’s leaders to become very comfortable, focusing on luxurious lifestyles and ignoring those about them in need. The Jews had seen God judge their neighbors, but they mistakenly believed that He would spare them for the same sins. Their false sense of security was the result of placing faith in their own wealth instead of in God Himself. Amos warned Israel that living comfortably with their sins was not pleasing to the Lord.
How should I respond?
We have become a nation obsessed with our own wealth. Even a little prosperity can turn into an unhealthy desire for more. It seems to be a part of human nature to forget about our reliance on God when all our needs are met and our lives feel under control. God, however, is the Provider of all we have. Difficult times often serve as a healthy reminder to look to God to provide our daily needs. What blessings might have caused you to trust in your resources rather than in God Himself? Let God’s provision increase your faith and trust in Him today. The Lord is always involved and always in control.