November 16, 2019


Read – 2 Peter 2

What does it say?
Peter warned his readers of false teachers, describing them as deceitful, rebellious, immoral, and greedy.

What does it mean?
In a warning to believers, Peter denounced teachers who were using false stories with false promises to exploit anyone who would listen. These false teachers knew how to twist the teachings of the Scriptures – but they did not know the Holy God of the Scriptures. God never changes His mind about sin. Judgment comes to those who reject truth – just as it came for the angels who rebelled, for the ungodly people during the flood in Noah’s day, and for the lawless residents of Sodom and Gomorrah.

How should I respond?
How well do you know the truths of Scripture? God’s truth is not based on man’s opinions, clever words, or spiritual experiences. You must compare what others are teaching with what God says in His Word. You can look at nature and humanity and know the Lord as your Creator – the incredible artist and designer of everything that exists. But to know and follow Christ more fully, you must study God’s Word that He put into the hearts and minds of men who loved Him. Taking part in a Bible study or joining a small group at church will give you more opportunities to read and discuss Scripture. How will you better prepare yourself to discern truth from error?