November 17, 2019
What does it say?
Peter predicted that scoffers would deny the return of Christ. Believers should live in light of God’s final judgment and His promise of a new Heaven and a new Earth.
What does it mean?
Scoffers ridicule a foundational truth of the Christian faith: Christ will return for His people. Noah also faced scoffers – people who willfully refused to believe that God would intervene in worldwide judgment of evil. The coming day of judgment will result in the destruction of the heavens and the earth by fire. Why is there a delay? God is patient, giving time for lost sinners to repent. Believers have God’s promise of a new Heaven and a new Earth to motivate them to live blameless lives and be ready for Christ’s return.
How should I respond?
Nearly every generation of Christians have believed that they were living in the last days. We definitely live in a time when people commonly ridicule anything related to believing in Jesus or living by God’s standards in the Bible. In what way do people who mock Christian beliefs influence your thoughts and attitudes? Christ’s return may not be immediate but it is imminent. What needs to change in your conduct this week so that you will be blameless when He returns? Whether Jesus comes back this year, next year, or fifty years from now, He is coming! Are you ready?