

Read – Read Jonah 2

What does it say?
Jonah prayed, praising God from inside the belly of a great fish. The Lord commanded the fish to spit Jonah out on dry ground.

What does it mean?
Jonah experienced the discipline of God when he disobeyed His clear command. He realized he was in the process of dying after being swallowed by the giant fish God miraculously prepared for the task. Jonah likened the belly of the fish to the “pit” or “Sheol” – the place of the dead from which there is no escape. In his moment of greatest despair, Jonah’s thoughts turned again to the Lord. The same God who had punished Jonah was the only One who could save him. In return for God’s salvation, all Jonah could offer was obedience and gratitude.

How should I respond?
The hardest thing to do after we’ve sinned or made a really poor choice is to admit it – especially to the One we have hurt most. We often try to hide from our sin, or even lie about it, just to avoid the consequences and the blow to our pride! Thankfully, no one is better at forgiving than God. The Bible tells us that nothing can separate His children from His love (Rom. 8:38-39). Why wait until you reach a point of personal despair? Is there a sin you need to confess to God? Talk to Him directly, accept His pardon, and keep your thoughts centered on Him throughout the day.