November 28, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

What does it say?
The queen of Sheba visited Solomon. Impressed with Solomon’s wisdom, she presented him with gold, spices, and precious stones.

What does it mean?
The news of King Solomon’s wealth and wisdom had spread beyond Israel to the queen of Sheba. Intrigued by the rumors of his vast wealth and wisdom, the queen traveled to Jerusalem to meet Solomon in person. She observed his accomplishments as well as how he treated his servants and worshiped God. Solomon’s leadership abilities and interaction with the people impressed the queen. He was even greater than she had been told. As a result, she acknowledged the God of Israel as the source of Solomon’s wisdom and power.

How should I respond?
True character is defined not only by what you say but also by what you do. What words would you use to describe yourself? What is your reputation among your friends and family? The character of Christ is reflected in your choices as you follow God’s Word. As a result, people will want to know more about the God you serve and the difference He is making in your life. We each have a reputation. Our lives will make the people around us either curious or disinterested regarding Jesus. What lifestyle changes do you need to make in order to draw others closer to God?