November 7, 2019
What does it say?
James assured his readers that the Lord hears the cries of the oppressed. He told them to be patient in suffering and to pray in faith.
What does it mean?
James closed his letter to these Jewish believers with words of encouragement about their suffering. Two thoughts rise to the surface: perseverance and prayer. God may correct a wrong immediately, but He often asks His followers to be patient, which compels believers to persist in prayer. Christians are to pray when they are troubled and when they are happy. No situation is too big or insignificant for prayer. Christ stands ready to return and judge those who oppress others. Until then, believers should stand firm and follow the examples of those in Scripture who patiently and powerfully prayed.
How should I respond?
God works through the prayers of His people. It’s not that He needs our prayers, but that He chooses to act upon them in His timing. God could reach down right now and correct whatever wrong is happening in your life. So why doesn’t He? Prayer draws us closer to the Lord, increases our awareness of Him, and gives Him greater glory when the issue is resolved. How is God calling you to persevere today? Pray. Who in your family, church, or neighborhood is sick, troubled, or wandering from God? Pray. The answer may not come immediately, but He is actively working even when you can’t see it.