What does it say?
Ezekiel was led into the area of the temple where the priests would change their garments and eat the most holy offerings.
What does it mean?
In the Millennial Temple there will be a measurable difference between the spaces for the people and the place where the Lord dwells. The priests will have their own rooms close to God’s dwelling, where they’ll eat, dress, and prepare to enter His presence. In the holiest spot of the temple, an avenue will create a boundary between the perfection of God and the people’s shortcomings. The priests can present sin and guilt offerings there on the people’s behalf. As the priests come back to the common spaces, the people will be reminded of their need for reconciliation through Christ, the Great High Priest.
How should I respond?
The boundary lines of reverent behavior have been blurred in our society. Respect for sacred things has all but disappeared. Ezekiel’s prophecy of the Millennial Temple is evidence that God still maintains sacred boundaries. Just as the priests prepare to enter God’s sanctuary, we prepare to live daily in His presence by respecting the boundaries He sets for a holy lifestyle. Any habit or friendship that pulls you to your old lifestyle or old way of thinking is outside God’s boundaries (1 Peter 1:14-16). When you stay close to Christ, your life looks less like the ordinary world and more like His holy character. What might be blurring the boundaries between holy and ordinary living in your life right now? Choose to be set apart from the common things of the world today. When you see a boundary line, don’t cross it.