What does it say?
When the glory of God returns to the temple to live forever, Israel will never again defile His holy name.
What does it mean?
The Lord will one day take His rightful position at the center of worldwide worship when His presence returns to the Millennial Temple. His glory had previously departed the temple due to all Israel had done to defile His name and His dwelling place with idolatry. One day, God’s people will fully acknowledge their sin, paving the way for restored fellowship with Him. God wanted Ezekiel to communicate His desire for holy living, according to His law, in the present as well as in the future. He laid out the clear expectation that His people would build a community centered upon glorifying Him.
How should I respond?
Worship is a lifestyle, not an event. You offer your life back to God as an act of worship by getting rid of anything that doesn’t honor Him and by being set apart from the world as we discussed yesterday. The Lord does not simply accept a “both … and” approach to worship. He alone belongs at the highest position in our lives. What elements of “and” are included in your worship? What might be causing you to look more like the world and less like Him? Today, be aware of the Lord’s presence. Make each decision and reaction an act of worship by choosing to glorify Christ.