What does it say?
Ezekiel was given the specific plans for the altar and for the sacrifices that would be made on it in order to dedicate it as a pure place to make sin and fellowship offerings.
What does it mean?
Ezekiel’s prophecy looks forward to the millennial age but also points to the cross of Christ. By offering the blemish-free sacrifices for seven days, the priests of the Millennial Temple will mirror the completed work of Christ on the cross, as both the High Priest and the pure Lamb of God. The observance of the seven days of sacrifices is significant because seven is the number of completion in Scripture (Ex. 29:35; Lev. 8:33). The cross would be the altar making restored fellowship between man and God possible. As the people bring offerings to God, the completed work of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus will be remembered.
How should I respond?
The span between God’s holiness and your sin was bridged at the altar of the cross. Your salvation is complete by accepting His sacrifice. However, temptation to sin still exists. Enjoying continued fellowship with the Lord comes by bringing your sins before Him daily. Today, renew your heart to complete fellowship with the Lord by asking Him for forgiveness where you’ve messed up. Your life will be marked by either the shame of sin or by the sacrifice of Jesus. Which does God see when He looks at you today? You can’t cross the gap between God’s holiness and your sin, but Jesus can.