October 1, 2019


Read – Psalm 106

What does it say?
The people of Israel forgot God’s works, worshipped idols, despised the Promised Land, murmured in their tents, and sacrificed their children, but God was faithful.

What does it mean?
The unfaithfulness of Israel described in Psalm 106 stands in sharp contrast to the faithfulness of God illustrated in Psalm 105. They forgot, but God remembered! The Scottish preacher George Morrison wrote, “The Lord took Israel out of Egypt in one night, but it took Him forty years to take Egypt out of Israel.” God’s people fell prey to the godless culture around them rather than leading godly lives that honor their holy Lord. Phinehas is the only ray of light in this dark account – he believed God, intervened, and was counted as righteous. Although Israel did not trust and obey God, He remained faithful to His eternal covenant and delivered them when they cried out to Him.

How should I respond?
What actions and attitudes depicted in this psalm describe your life – envy, grumbling, disobedience, rebellion? We can learn from the mistakes of the Israelites so that we won’t fall prey to the godless culture around us. As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul lists the sins of his forefathers as a warning not to fall into the same pattern of sin (1 Cor. 10:1-13). How has God been good to you this week, despite your sinful thoughts or attitudes? His faithfulness should inspire gratitude and humble submission to His will. How can your life be an example so that others are encouraged to trust and obey God?