October 10, 2019
What does it say?
Paul gave instructions to Titus concerning groups of people in the church.
What does it mean?
Paul urged Titus to teach sound doctrine to members of his church. Paul explained how members of the church should conduct themselves and be examples to one another. Specific behaviors are listed for both older men and women to model to the younger generation. Men should control themselves and be faithful to God and their families (Titus 2:2). Women must refrain from gossip and show respect, love, kindness, and purity (Titus 2:3-5).
How should I respond?
What kind of example are you? Are your attitudes, behavior, and speech a reflection of what God has done for you? Who around you could benefit from a godly example? As a Christian, you have the responsibility of living a godly life and encouraging others to do the same. Which characteristics in this chapter do you need to develop? The Christian life isn’t easy. Chances are someone you know is struggling. We can all benefit from someone who has “been there, done that.” Be aware of opportunities to encourage and instruct others in their faith today.