

Read – Ezekiel 48

What does it say?
Land will be divided among the twelve tribes of Israel. Upon establishment of Jerusalem, the city will be given a new name.

What does it mean?
God, as He had promised, will bring the restoration of Israel to fruition. Israel’s people from all over the world will be brought together to live in the land that had been pledged to them. The glory of God, which had departed from Jerusalem (Eze. 10:18, 19), will return (Eze. 44:1, 2). This city will be like no other because the glory of God will dwell in the sanctuary of the temple. The returned presence of the Lord will never again depart, and the inhabitants will enjoy His continuous fellowship. Henceforth, the new name of this city will be, “The LORD is There.”

How should I respond?
God’s future presence in restored Israel typifies His presence today in those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. At the moment you became a Christ follower, the Holy Spirit took up permanent residence within you. He is closer than your heartbeat and offers an unlimited supply of fellowship. You have to be intentional to experience this relationship fully. Are you passionately pursuing God through His Word, prayer, and worship, or do you remain on the perimeter of all He offers? How great is your desire to know the Lord intimately? His presence and power are available right now.