October 16, 2018
What does it say?
King Belshazzar rejected God’s warning to repent. Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall as God’s warning of imminent judgment.
What does it mean?
King Belshazzar repeated the sin of Nebuchadnezzar, his father: arrogance toward the holy God of Israel. God evaluated the king’s leadership and gave him the opportunity to repent through Daniel’s interpretation. Rather than heed Daniel’s warning, Belshazzar persisted in pride, continued in his revelry, and showed contempt for the Lord. His reign ended that night because he refused to humble himself before God. God has authority over world powers and holds them accountable.
How should I respond?
When God gives people positions of authority, He expects them to lead with godly character. God’s moral and spiritual standards, found in Scripture, are the standards by which our character will be judged. Only Jesus met those standards perfectly. It stands to reason that living by His power through the filling of the Holy Spirit is the only way you can live righteously. In what areas do you have God-given authority? Are you a parent, boss, church or community leader? As such, how does your character reflect Christ? Ask God to reveal any areas of arrogance in how you lead. You can live each day filled with the Spirit and empowered for the work God has for you.