October 17, 2018
What does it say?
King Darius rejoiced that Daniel’s God delivered him from death in the lions’ den.
What does it mean?
Spiritual faithfulness and vocational success did not guarantee an easy life for Daniel. The enemies of God and His people were persistent, cunning, and clever. Envious men watched Daniel’s life to find a way to trap him and dishonor his God. It took great courage and commitment for Daniel to take a stand; his faithfulness to the Lord had consequences. God could have rescued Daniel from going into the lions’ den or delivered him to Heaven through physical death. Instead, God shut the mouths of hungry lions. Either way, He is the living, eternal God who is completely trustworthy.
How should I respond?
In a world that rejects Christ, there are consequences for those who openly follow Him. Being a Christian certainly doesn’t guarantee a life of ease – quite the opposite (John 15:18). What belief or conviction are you standing for despite the consequences? Do you bow your head in public and ask God to bless your food? Is your language different from others? When suffering because of a godly choice, you can trust the Lord for deliverance, although it may come in an unexpected way and at a different time than you wished. Will you trust the Lord to work in your circumstances the way that He thinks is best – for His glory? You may experience opposition or persecution for faithfully following Jesus, but He promises to always be with you.