October 18, 2019
What does it say?
God promises rest for His people.
What does it mean?
Entering God’s rest is explained by an illustration from Israel’s past. To Israel’s forefathers, the Promised Land represented God’s rest from wandering in the desert. However, the unbelieving Israelites didn’t enter God’s rest due to lack of faith in His promise. The wavering Hebrews reading this letter were encouraged to find rest through faith, which brings present and eternal peace with God. Salvation not only gives peace with God, it also brings the peace of God to deal with everyday life. The Word of God is the agent that pinpoints the causes of unrest: lack of trust and disobedience.
How should I respond?
Stress has become part of the American culture. However, anxiety is an indicator that you’re not resting in God. As you read Scripture, what attitudes in your mind and heart has God uncovered? In what current situation do you need the peace of God? Trusting His promises and obeying His commands bring rest. Have you made peace with God by placing your faith in Jesus Christ? If so, you can experience God’s rest and peace today and look forward to future rest in Heaven.