October 2, 2019
What does it say?
The Lord is good! His mercy endures forever. The redeemed of the Lord should give thanks for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds.
What does it mean?
The writer recounted several of the Lord’s remarkable acts for His redeemed people. God was faithful in each dire situation, yet it appears that they didn’t stop to thank Him, to praise Him, or to tell others about His unfailing love. Israel had to be reminded to show gratitude for God’s intervention in the experiences of their lives. He worked in the circumstances of His children to accomplish His plan for their lives. Recognizing God’s loving involvement with a heart of gratitude is a sign of wisdom.
How should I respond?
God cares about every detail in your life. That doesn’t mean that life is trouble-free, but God can use any situation – no matter how difficult – to accomplish His purposes in and through your life. Through adversity, the Lord can grow your faith, your dependence on Him, and your gratitude for His involvement. In what situation have you seen God’s intervention? What has God provided for you this week? Take time today to thank Him and to tell someone else what His great love means to you.