October 26, 2019


Read – Hebrews 10

What does it say?
Christ’s sacrifice allows believers to enter God’s presence and experience His faithfulness.

What does it mean?
The writer of Hebrews has reached a crescendo in his argument that Jesus is both High Priest and Mediator of a better covenant than Israel had under Moses. He now shifts the focus to how these facts should affect the habits of a believer. First, spending time in the presence of God through prayer and reading His Word develops steadfast faith. Christ’s followers are also to spend time together, encouraging each other to avoid deliberate sin and to look for opportunities to show the love of Christ by doing good deeds. Finally, the habit of reflecting on God’s past faithfulness produces perseverance. Believers should constantly move forward in their faith. Those who live by faith move forward, not back.

How should I respond?
We’re bombarded with advice on how to develop better eating and exercise habits. Experts say that it takes only three weeks to change a habit. Still, it always seems easier to develop bad habits rather than good ones. What good spiritual habits from today’s passage do you practice? Which ones do you need to foster? A healthy body requires healthy habits. The same is true if you want to maintain a healthy faith. Choose something from today’s passage and commit to doing it for three weeks. You’ll have a new habit, and your spiritual health will flourish!