What does it say?
God longed to redeem His people, but they did not search for Him. They spoke lies about Him and sought help from nations who deceived them.
What does it mean?
Israel’s failure to seek the Lord resulted in a national lack of discernment and dulling of their senses. From the lens of his own marital heartache, Hosea described Israel’s passion as an oven hot for sin; their self-realization as an aging man unaware of death; their naiveté as a dove easily lured into a trap; and their character as an unreliable weapon. Instead of being faithful to the Lord, they established national policies that turned everywhere for help except to the Most High. Instead of turning to God for redemption, Israel arrogantly believed lies made up by their senseless hearts.
How should I respond?
Most self-help books begin with personal awareness. The problem is that we can often be convinced of almost anything – whether it is true or not. True self-awareness comes through God-awareness, not from our own reasoning (Jer. 17:9). Self-deception might be more comfortable for a time, but it isn’t productive in the long run. Before you read your Bible each day, ask the Lord to show you one true thing about Him and one true thing about yourself. As you do, your discernment will be broadened, your spiritual senses will be heightened, and your passion for Christ will be increased.