October 30, 2019


Read – Psalm 119:33-64

What does it say?
The psalmist asked the Lord to give him understanding and turn his heart toward God’s statutes. He obeyed God’s commands and found comfort in His promises and laws.

What does it mean?
The writer of Psalm 119 understood the importance of reading God’s Word. His desire to know what it said went deeper than learning mere facts about God; He wanted to understand what Scripture meant so he could fulfill its intension in every aspect of his life. As he honored God’s laws, he turned from selfish pursuits and desired to live for purposes that held eternal value. Although obeying God didn’t cause his problems to end, the comfort he found in God’s promises gave him enduring hope.

How should I respond?
What was your motivation for reading this devotion? Were you hoping to solve a problem, to find comfort, or to feel closer to God? While all of those things are good, today’s passage challenges us to read God’s Word in order to act on what it says. Life change begins to take place as you gain understanding of Scripture, heed its warnings, and obey its commands. The results fall in place like toppling a line of dominoes – you grow closer to God, you learn how to solve various problems, you find comfort and hope, etc. Ask God to give you understanding and eternal perspective as you read and study His Word, and then act on the truth He reveals. Reading the Bible is more than a good habit – it is transforming.