October 6, 2019
What does it say?
Paul charged Timothy to keep his head and endure hardship in order to preach the Word, just as Paul had fought the good fight and kept the faith.
What does it mean?
Paul was constantly aware that Jesus was coming back and would reward those who had faithfully served Him. Striving for a future prize from the hand of Christ motivated Paul to remain faithful in His work for the Lord. He compared his life to a distance runner crossing the finish line, claiming a hard fought victory. Paul wanted Timothy to live with that same awareness so he would share in the victory. He knew that keeping eternal rewards in mind would affect Timothy’s attitude toward his work as he went about his duties for the church.
How should I respond?
Have you ever completed a difficult task or gotten through a hard time by focusing only on how good it will feel to have it finished? Like a runner visualizing a finish line miles away, we live differently when we focus on our purposes or goals. That is what Paul wanted for Timothy and for you. When you face temptation or discouragement, imagine what it will feel like to stand before Jesus and be rewarded for staying faithful. Take time every morning to anticipate that moment. Live your day in that joy. Begin with the end in mind, knowing by faith how fulfilling that moment will be.