September 10, 2019
Read – Psalms 97-99|What does it say?
God’s people praise the King of Zion for His holiness, justice, and righteousness. He is a forgiving God who answers the prayers of His repentant people.
What does it mean?
These psalms continue the celebration of the Lord as King that began in Psalm 95. Even though these coronation psalms include the millennial reign of Christ, they also declare that He currently reigns over all. The imagery describes both trembling and rejoicing before His throne. People who live in a vital relationship with Him will exalt and worship Him by knowing and keeping His Word. As the holy, righteous God He disciplines justly, yet extends mercy to those who call on His Name. The emphasis on the holiness of the Lord conveys the expectation that His people should also be holy.
How should I respond?
How can a holy God tolerate sinful people? Even believers have difficulty in fathoming the absolute holiness of God. As you read and study His Word, take note of His standards for your attitudes and behavior as His follower. What lifestyle changes do you need to make so that you can honor and exalt your holy Lord? As you pray today, celebrate Jesus as the King of all the earth by praising Him for His holiness, justice, and mercy. Thank Him for forgiving your sins and for answering your prayers.