What does it say?
The Sovereign Lord judges each according to his ways. Repent and live!
What does it mean?
The proverb in question was a complaint regarding unjust suffering for the sins of their forefathers (Exodus 20:5). While it’s true that the effects of sinful choices may linger from one generation to the next, the Lord holds each individual responsible for his own actions. The people of Israel denied personal guilt, failing to understand that God is equally just and merciful. He desired each to turn from sin as He stood ready to forgive. The Spirit of the Lord would transform those who were repentant and allow them to live when Babylon’s army swept Jerusalem. The message was the same to the wicked who rejected God and the righteous who chose to disobey: repent!
How should I respond?
God created every person with the ability to choose: follow or reject His Son and His Word. Rejecting Christ results in the ultimate penalty – separation from God. The sins of your ancestors cannot send you to Hell; neither can you go to Heaven based on their faith. Salvation is not the result of making right choices; rather godly choices result from a heart changed by God. Yet every Christian has free will to disobey God’s Word and face the consequences in this life. Whether you’re in need of salvation from sin or a personal revival of your faith – God forgives. Will you repent and follow?|Further reading: Ezekiel 19