

Read – Ezekiel 22What does it say?
Babylon would be God’s sword of judgment against Judah. He would take the crown of Israel from its wicked prince and restore it to the rightful owner when He comes.

What does it mean?
Nebuchadnezzar had to decide which revolt to address first: Judah, Tyre, or Ammon. God supernaturally directed him, using Babylon as a sword – drawn, sharpened, and aimed at Jerusalem. Israel’s king lived as if God didn’t exist, false prophets proclaimed peace, and the Word of the Lord was ignored. Judgment had been prophesied for generations, but the time had finally come for God’s people to answer for their open rebellion against Him. Zedekiah would be the last king of Israel until Jesus rules from the throne of Jerusalem, wearing the crown that rightfully belongs to Him.

How should I respond?
Our society is in all-out revolt against God. Living as if God doesn’t exist or completely ignoring His Word won’t change the final outcome. Although the Lord has been merciful to delay His final judgment by giving more people a chance to turn to Him for salvation, everything foretold in the Bible will happen. Jesus will return to Earth as Judge and King. Do you anticipate His return with fear or excitement? Who in your family or circle of friends discredits the validity of Scripture? Does their current fate grip your heart the same way Ezekiel grieved for his countrymen? Commit to pray regularly for the people God brought to mind. How will you show God’s love and share His grace today?