

Read – Ezekiel 22What does it say?
God looked for a man to stand in the gap on behalf of the land, but no one could be found. Jerusalem had forgotten the Sovereign Lord.

What does it mean?
Jerusalem was guilty of every sin imaginable – from dishonoring parents to committing murder for hire. In times past, godly kings like Hezekiah and Josiah led the people to seek and obey the Lord, but no such man was found. Jerusalem’s princes, priests, officials and prophets neglected their individual responsibility and accountability for their God-given positions of authority. When the leaders failed to observe the most basic principles of God’s law, the entire city became morally and ethically depraved (Exodus 20:8-12). The inhabitants of God’s holy city had forgotten to whom they belonged.

How should I respond?
America has spiritual amnesia. As a whole, we’ve forgotten the scriptural principles upon which our nation was founded; we’ve forgotten God. Christians need to “stand in the gap” for our nation. Following Jesus is a way of life. Because He paid the price for our sin with His own life, we owe Him our allegiance – we belong to Him. So it stands to reason that the teaching of Scripture should dictate everything we think, say, and do throughout the day. That kind of authenticity will lead the way for others to follow Christ. Don’t confine God to certain situations – seek and obey Him in everything you do.