September 15, 2019
Read – 1 Thessalonians 3|What does it say?
Paul talked more about his visit to the Thessalonians and rejoiced over their faith and love as reported by Timothy.
What does it mean?
Paul’s prayer in this chapter provides an excellent model for believers as they pray for themselves and for others. He thanked God for what He was doing in the lives of the new believers and prayed that the Lord would make their love increase and overflow. As he thought about the specific needs of the Thessalonians, he prayed that their hearts (mind, emotions, and will) would be strengthened spiritually so that they could live righteous lives until Christ returns. Their faithfulness was a source of personal joy to Paul and his companions.
How should I respond?
Do you struggle with how you should pray for yourself or others? Even Jesus’ disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Try using Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians to pray more effectively this week. Write down the names of close friends and family members and list ways you see God working in their lives, and then thank Him for those specific things. Pray for their spiritual fortitude as they face daily challenges. Throughout the day, follow Paul’s example and pray for situations that trouble you. The spiritual growth of those you pray for will be an endless source of personal joy.