

Read – Ezekiel 23What does it say?
Samaria and Jerusalem were like two sisters belonging to the Lord who would bear the consequences of committing adultery through idolatry and foreign alliances.

What does it mean?
The parable in today’s passage portrays the sacred nature of the covenant relationship between God and His people. Israel and Judah, however, broke their vows to the Lord by turning to the surrounding nations and their gods. Their behavior was so egregious that it could only be compared to prostitution. The shocking nature of the descriptions in this passage still doesn’t do justice to their offense toward God. Instead of trusting God’s protection and enjoying His faithfulness, each nation was subjected to the abusive nature of their pagan alliances. The Lord is jealous for His people as a husband would be for a wife who gives her affections to another.

How should I respond?
God describes Himself throughout Scripture as “a jealous God,” but what does that mean? God is jealous for you, not of you. His jealousy is righteous, wanting what’s best for you. As a believer, you have entered into the New Covenant – a sacred relationship that affords you everything that Jesus has and is. When you look for fulfillment, success, or purpose outside of Christ, God is jealous for your affection. How would the Lord describe the status of your relationship with Him today? Will you be found faithful?