September 18, 2023
What does it say?
God’s glory filled the temple after the ark of the covenant was brought in and put into place.
What does it mean?
The completion of the temple was a major milestone for the people of Israel. Having a permanent place for the ark of the covenant and for their worship was confirmation that they were no longer wandering. After all of his hard work, Solomon desired more than anything for God’s presence to dwell in the temple. The peopled cheered in a fitting celebration as the cloud descended. Although the cloud was a visible reminder of God’s presence with His people, He is not limited by time and space.
How should I respond?
It’s easy to feel the presence of God on Sunday morning when we’re in church, but what about after you walk out the door? The Bible says God is omnipresent, meaning that He is everywhere all the time. We sometimes think of His presence in our life as limited to a specific location or act. But when Jesus says that He is with us always, He means it with a certainty that can be difficult for us to fathom. Think of it this way: when you leave church, picture God putting his arm around you and saying, “Where are we going for lunch?” How would continuing that same mental image affect the rest of your week? You have access to Christ 24/7. How will you take advantage of that today?