September 2, 2022
What does it say?
Believers should have the mind of Christ, doing all things humbly and without complaining.
What does it mean?
Paul presented Christ as the believer’s life pattern. Since the Philippian believers had chosen to follow Jesus, they were also called to have the same mindset as Christ. Even though He was Lord, Jesus lived with the attitude of a servant, looking out for the needs of other people. For these early believers, having that mindset meant living in faithful, humble obedience to God’s will. Paul demonstrated what that looked like by joyfully pouring out his life for the sake of the gospel and for the church of Jesus Christ.
How should I respond?
The mindset of our society is about as far from the mindset of Jesus as it can get. In general, people argue, complain, demand their own way, and put their own desires above everything else. If you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, then it makes sense to follow the pattern He set. Do you have a habit of helping and serving others, or do you tend to be oblivious to the needs of your neighbors and coworkers? How often throughout a day do you complain rather than pitch in to solve the issue? How will you model the mind of Christ today?