

Read – Ezekiel 33:21-33What does it say?
The Lord opened Ezekiel’s mouth after the fall of Jerusalem. Those in the ruins of the city did detestable things, and those in exile did not put the Lord’s words into practice.

What does it mean?
The people of Judah had been separated for almost 13 years. While the Israelites in Jerusalem violently opposed Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry, many exiles in Babylon regularly went to Ezekiel but treated his prophecies like a form of entertainment. They said the right things regarding devotion to God but allowed greed to linger in their hearts. Ezekiel’s prophecies regarding the fall of Jerusalem were already proven true. God then told Ezekiel exactly what would become of those who survived the siege so everyone would know that He was the Lord and Ezekiel was His prophet.

How should I respond?
As Bible-believing Christians, we’re quick to recognize people who oppose God. However, we’re not as aware of our own tendency to approach corporate worship as a time to socialize, network, or be entertained. What message has God put in front of you this week through your pastor’s preaching, your small group lesson, or a Christian song? Did you heed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, or have you allowed disobedience to linger in your heart? Each person is accountable for his or her response to God’s Word. Merely listening to God’s Word does not produce change; you must do what it says – James 1:22-25.