September 9, 2018


Read – Ezekiel 17

What does it say?
Ezekiel told a parable of a vine that would be uprooted because it sent its roots out for water, even though it was in good soil with abundant water, able to produce good fruit.

What does it mean?
Nebuchadnezzar controlled Jerusalem by taking its leaders and King Jehoiachin captive to Babylon, making Zedekiah a puppet king. Jerusalem lived in peace as long as the treaty with Babylon was kept. But Zedekiah revolted against God’s will by allying with Egypt, breaking his oath to Nebuchadnezzar. Seeking military support made sense in terms of human logic, but it was not God’s plan, which would succeed no matter what. Zedekiah’s attempt to manipulate the situation resulted in his captivity and Jerusalem’s destruction, causing both to miss God’s miraculous work among His people.

How should I respond?
Human nature leads us to function based on two motivating forces: logic and emotion. While both are God-given, believers are called to filter their thoughts and feelings through Scripture and prayer. Submitting to God’s plan may or may not line up with our personal preferences. We seldom see how God is working in the background to accomplish His purposes for our good. How many times might you have missed a great work of God in your life because you refused to cooperate with His plan? Ask God to help you trust Him today rather than try to manipulate your circumstances.