September 9, 2023
What does it say?
David’s song of praise shows the heart of God, who is actively involved in the lives of His people.
What does it mean?
As David came to the end of his amazing life, he reflected on all he had seen God do. Though it’s possible he wrote this song of praise when he was young, its themes and application show that it is timeless. Through trial and tribulation, war and peace, mountains and valleys, David had witnessed God’s faithfulness in every situation. David recognized God for who He is: the powerful, loving God who is always active and purposefully taking care of His people, deserving of praise.
How should I respond?
Just like David, we don’t always see or understand what God is doing. Discouraging events and trying circumstances cause us to ask questions such as, “Why is God allowing this to happen?” or “Why isn’t God doing anything?” David’s life and perspective show us that God is always at work in the lives of His people, regardless of what we may or may not see happening. He is our Protector, Healer, and Deliverer. What current situation is causing you discouragement? Meditate today on David’s words and trust that God is working. One day, you’ll reflect on your life and give praise to the One who is always faithful!