You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.

Steve Mann

Prayers for Cynthia M that she’ll get well

Received: June 19, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


This prayer is for Linda C. She fell at home Friday afternoon. She broke her left femur. She had surgery this morning. Everything went fine. Please pray for her healing. Also for her to not worry so much, ease her mind.

Thank you!

Received: June 19, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Judy Deatherage

Please say a prayer for me. I am have been through cancer 3 times and are facing it again. I know my Heavenly Father is with me and will never leave me. But it's getting really hard to handle. I pray every day that God will just take me home to be with Him. But I know it's His timing and not mine. Just please pray for me and for peace and joy to be in my life and my body . Thank you All for All you do . God bless you all.

Received: June 19, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Reconciliation with J and him to ask for forgiveness and admit his fault and to be patient and kind. Peace and job and financial security - forgiveness a good day today

Received: June 19, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

David R

Please pray that God would bring my wife and me victory against spiritual attacks, and that Jesus would bring healing in the areas of our lives the attacks are coming.

Thank you and God bless you.

Received: June 17, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


Please pray for reconciliation. I don't know how to make it right. Please pray for a miracle, comfort for all, and no more heartache.

Received: June 16, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Ronald worrell

Please pray for me. I currently have a cardiac issue and The Father is very aware of it.I desire your prayers for myself and my family. Thank you

Received: June 16, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Please pray that I find a remote job soon. I'm out of work right now. I'm a Nurse's Aide but I'm unable to do type of work anymore because of my physical condition. Please pray that I'm able to pay my bills and buy groceries while I'm out of work. I'm getting a stressed out and haven't been sleeping well. Thank you. God Bless

Received: June 16, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Let the drama stop and help me move forward

Received: June 14, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.

Andrew and Supang Jessberger

Hello All,

My wife and I are expecting a baby boy this Oct. We've just found out our son has spina bifida. We're not sure how badly our son will be affected, when he is born, specialists and tests still need to be seen/done. This is our first child and both of us are very heartbroken for his sake. Please keep us in your prayers.

Received: June 13, 2022

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