You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Please pray that we will get help for our rent from veterans service office Springfield , Ohio. My husband is 100% disabled. My family has fallen on hard times. We helped them with getting medication as they have no income at moment. That made us unable to pay rent. Pray that we get help and that my son’s unemployment is approved. My husband ha been disabled since 1991 from Army and we have never had to ask for help before. I am believing for answered prayers. God Bless you Pray for my nephew Brandon that will be going through surgery the first of year for cancer. Asking for prayers for Dan E. He suffers from chronic nerve pain among other medical problems. He is quickly losing all mobility and continues to have several falls. He suffers daily with knowing his body is failing and it’s so hard on him mentally. He has such a huge heart and loves and believes in the Lord. Please pray for comfort, strength and resilience as he goes through these challenges. Prayers for safe travels as I commute to work this week. Prayers to learn and for success in my new role. Prayer for my family as we continue to heal. Recent surgery for breast cancer and possibility of receiving chemotherapy. Prayers for my husband's hands to heal. He is a massage therapist and he needs his hands to continue work. We also need prayers regarding moving our business to our home, we have four weeks to remodel and move. Thank you Prayers for balancing career and family. Wisdom about job decisions or if God would have me stay at home with my son full time. My young adult son with Downs, Jon, asks for prayers for comfort, courage, and strength today as he has an infusion today for an autoimmune condition. Very difficult situation but he is confident that God is with him every day….he always says “God will make a way!” Since he can’t attend church presently Thomas Road is his online church. Thank you for praying. When my husband, Ted, was in Florida earlier this year, he got an airborne toxic mold. It has caused him to have paralysis of the tongue which has greatly affected his speech and eating. After many tests, it seems apparent that it has affected something in the brain that controls this. Please pray that we can find a neurologist who will be the right one for this and pray for healing for Ted. He teaches school and this has been an enormous challenge. He needs a touch from God. Circle him in prayer please. My daughter is going into final week she is distracted by boyfriend things that happened on break! She is not talking to me! Pray that she will get laser focused on school and that Gods will be done with boyfriend! He seems like he is "protecting" her and seems a little too possessive for three months of dating!
Pray for me to be silent and supportive for her Debbie Stitzman
Received: December 8, 2024
Received: December 8, 2024
Nicole Bomar
Received: December 8, 2024
Received: December 8, 2024
Tricia Davidson
Received: December 4, 2024
Received: December 4, 2024
Received: December 4, 2024
Twyla Richett
Received: December 4, 2024
coni dutka
Received: December 4, 2024
Received: December 4, 2024
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