You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. My name is Jonny Richett and I need prayer for my thoughts. Please pray for comfort and encouragement for me. I am a believer in Christ and need strength in the Spirit. Need prayer for my marriage. Figuring out big things, and it just seems like we can’t avoid hurting each other in the process. I’ve been no contact with my mom for almost a year exactly in November. Pray for me and her to reconcile and have a godly mother-daughter relationship together.
Pray for my older sister, Kristin. She’s pregnant with her bfs baby boy. Pray that she and her bf will come to the Lord and also that her bfs other children will come to the lord and love the lord as well.
Pray for my husbands older sister Katie and their family. That they would come to the Lord and love the Lord. I know this is long but please take the time to read it. It shows the Power of Prayer and ends with a prayer request I feel is urgent. It is my belief God has put power in our hands and works through each of us.
In 2020 I retired from a 45 year career. What a time to quit working 10-14 hours a day!
My granddaughter was diagnosed with Leukemia, Covid hit the globe and it was an election year. Watching the news both true and fake regarding the election, listening to candidates tell us about each other rather than how they were going to unite the division in the U.S. and move our country forward, and worrying about the epidemic moving across the globe and how it was going to affect my granddaughter, I did as most Christians should do, openly asked God what can I do?
I feel the spirit led me to contact as many mega-churches, denominations and then just any church large and small as possible. It started as political but then the spirit turned on the light and I turned it into a "prayer request" since that is a link many churches have on their web-page. It was a two-fold request, 1st for my granddaughter and the entire family. That her cancer journey would be as easy as possible and be successful, and that her parents and family come out the other side closer and stronger and that all of them would learn some valuable life lessons that could be shared with others facing similar situations.
We have been truly blessed with answers to that prayer. Maddie is cancer Free and the family has gotten very involved with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of West Michigan. This year in addition to several articles in local papers and activities Maddie has done to spread the word of Cancer, my son was the Society's "Visionary of the Year". The teams raised over $272,000. The foundation is heavily involved in research. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a world cancer free! His team won the fundraising campaign raising almost a third of that total.
My 2nd request was for our nation and the upcoming election. Oddly, it seems history is repeating itself. I am truly thankful only in this request.
Once again, as in the last election I have to limit my news intake. I cannot believe we as a nation have gotten this low and can only hope this has not happened before in our country's short history. I know it was bad in the civil war time but depending on what you are listening to, we could be headed in that direction.
Social media has definitely played a role in spreading false information and allowing a platform to bring all of the various "anti" and "hate" groups together.
I am once again asking Christians to prayerfully and open-mindedly read 2 Tim Chapter 3 verses 1-5.
Ask the Spirit for discernment in what they read and hear from others, on news and in social media, and reveal to them truth.
Apply the attributes specified in versus 1-5 to candidates running for office, and then obey what we are told in verse 5, and use the power given to us, vote!
With each day, the ungodly, negative rhetoric seems to get worse. It is critical we exercise our God given right to vote and consider which candidates have the character to lead our country forward.
May God Richly Bless you, your family and your congregation and may God Bless America and the world !
Hunter P! Hunter is a Firefighter in NC and is battling a rare cancer right now! Please pray for him to keep fighting this battle and for the Lord to heal him! Prayers for peace for my family and my sisters children in their process of grief. Prayer for safety as I travel to work and success with my new job and finances. Prayers for my mother as she deals with her grief Thank you, friends and family, for the outpouring of love and support for Mimi. She did very well in surgery and woke up in the recovery room strong and impressive! Last night she was confused and the nurses told us that it can take several days for the anesthesia to get out of her system. Today found her strong but still some memory loss.
When we were there this morning, PT people were trying to get her to walk (with her walker) Every time she’d try to stand her heart rate would go crazy (a-fib) and she would get shaky and almost seem to pass out. She would fall back into her chair or bed and not even take a step.
The doctor on call said she needed to stay at least another night and get more IV for hydration. She has hardly eaten or been drinking anything since Wednesday night so it made sense.
We left for the night and since being home, I just got a call from the head nurse that a nurse was walking by her room and found her on the floor. Nobody saw her fall and I don’t know how long she was there, sadly. The nurse I spoke with said her railings were up so we are so confused about how she ended up on the floor. She is disoriented and says she has no idea what happened. Her whole body hurts so the hospital has ordered X-rays on her head, neck, new hip, old hip, and all things in between! A Dr is supposed to call me early tomorrow morning with the results. Thank you all for your love and prayers— I will update as we learn more. It is heartbreaking to hear— she was so excited to do the work to get back home. Praying for her tonight to have a peace that only God can give.
Sending love! I visit there with my sister sometimes. I have enjoyed every visit I have had and have always left feeling very connected.I plan to visit more frequently even though I will be traveling over an hour to attend.I have always been very private when it comes to my religion .I have felt very comfortable with each of my visits as if I belong there.With that being said I would like to ask for prayers for my family and my marriage.We are going through a difficult time right now where there is so much uncertainty . I do not know what God's plan is for us but I pray for clarity, strength, guidance,healing and restoration with it all.I pray for reconciliation.Thank you and God bless you all. Please pray for complete healing for my bladder. I had surgery over a week ago and have not been able to go on my own. This is day 8 using a catheter. Extremely broken and scared. Thank you!Anonymous
Received: October 23, 2024
Received: October 22, 2024
Received: October 22, 2024
greg lockwood
Received: October 22, 2024
Received: October 20, 2024
Received: October 20, 2024
Robbie Reyes
Received: October 18, 2024
Received: October 18, 2024
Received: October 18, 2024
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