You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. My father in law is being admitted to the hospital in Buffalo NY with stomach and/or bowel problems. Please pray the doctors are able to see where the pain is originated from. Thank you. My brother has been struggling through stage 4 prostate cancer, metastasized to his lymph nodes, for 6 years now. He thought he was doing better until about a month ago when he went for his routine checkup, they told him he had 2 lesions on his side. He was supposed to start radiation Monday(7/13), however, he starting feeling numb on 1 side yesterday and his wife took him to the hospital, thinking he was having a stroke. They did some tests on him and discovered he has a lesion on the right side of his brain now. He needs lots of prayers!! I still believe in miracles and I know God longs to hear His children ask Him for their needs. Please lift my brother in prayer. I attend Liberty online and I had to be tested for covid19 last Tuesday. I am awaiting results asking for prayer. Asking for prayer for the Bellows, Norman, Staley & Allen families
Cheryl Bellows passed away on monday july 6th at 3:06 pm from her 3rd bout with kidney cancer. Veiwing is Monday july 13th at Tharp funeral home from 6pm -8pm. Burial is Tuesday the 14th in Culpeper at the national cemmitary. My father in law Tony Torrence had surgery for lung cancer on July 8. He needs our prayers. My sister is suffering from lung cancer for last 1 years. The treatment is going on. As per doctor's report she is recovering as well. I would want you to pray for my sister health .
She will recover soon from this disease and live a normal life that everyone is living.
Pray for her that God will save her and give her blessings I pray for this pandemic to be cured for everyone’s sake and health and that everyone is safe amen Scattered thunderstorms are expected this afternoon and evening across much of the region. Isolated storms could become marginally severe producing quarter-sized hail and damaging wind gusts along with locally heavy rainfall producing minor flooding I just wan't prayer that we do not get these severe thunderstorms and high damaging winds and that the power doesn't go out today and tonight thank you for all your prayers and may God bless you Please pray for my daughter Sarah, she will be having surgery at UVA hospital tomorrow. Please pray for my wife Vickie who has to go back on chemotherapy next week.Janet Coric
Received: July 13, 2020
Lisa Crofoot
Received: July 12, 2020
This prayer has been answered!
Bonita Vaughan
Received: July 12, 2020
Received: July 12, 2020
Bill Callahan
Received: July 12, 2020
Received: July 12, 2020
Carl Alexander
Received: July 10, 2020
Justin Hylton
Received: July 10, 2020
Brenda Kidd
Received: July 10, 2020
Ronnie Meneses
Received: July 9, 2020
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