You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Just pray that we do not get any High damaging winds. Today and tonight just keep me and my family in your prayers and may God bless you Pray for my friend Marty , 64 years old. He has been experiencing severe abdominal pain issues and has lost a lot of weight. He is in Lynchburg General Hospital for diagnostic tests and treatment. Please pray for God’s peace and healing for him Please pray for Craig he on his way to the Hospital he has the virus. Pray for a healing touch. URGENT: Please pray for family member with Covid19. He’s been in the hospital over a week, currently in an induced coma with help to breath. We are not sure if he knows the Lord. His name is Allan. We truly appreciate any prayer. Hopefully this time my sadness, pain and hatred will gone
Hopefully this time will be much lighter
Hopefully this time I'll be okay
Hopefully this time I'll be alright
Hopefully this time I'll achieve my dream goals in life
Hopefully this time I won't be fail
Hopefully this time I'll have the right opportunity to be successful in life
Hopefully this time I can do it
Hopefully this time I'll be great
Hopefully this time all of my prayers will come true.
Thank You Lord God Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ Please join me in prayer for my twin brother, Kevin .. 68 years old, early onset Alzheimer's, who is currently experiencing compromised health in nursing facility which tested for 20+ positives cases among residents.
He has not been Tested yet. Nursing staff Assume that he has the virus, given his condition, lack of appetite, not drinking fluids, fever. Please pray for divine healing and recovery from whatever afflicts him. Nursing staff is recommending hospitalization to insure he receives necessary 24/7 care which is impossible to receive at nursing home. His wife does NOT want him to be hospitalized, as she feels he'd be traumatized and his resuscitation orders would be rescinded. Hence, she opts to keep him in lack luster understaffed nursing home and to Begin Morphine regime!! He's not dying?!! Pray for intervention and that she open her heart to her husband's immediate needs and put aside her selfishness.
God is so good and so faithful. Thank you, Father God in advance, in the Name of Jesus', Amen please pray for Colleen's 91 year old father, who has a brain injury from a fall. Bill is his name and he's currently in the ICU in a South Carolina hospital. to make the situation even worse, the hospital has prohibited any visitors because of the Coronavirus, including family members. please pray that God will reveal His power and love with healing for Bill, peace and comfort for the family. In Christ, thank you! Please pray for the healing of discord in my son’s marriage, and also his employment needs. Thank you. Prayer for help with the virus that is plaguing the nation, for peaceJustin Hylton
Received: April 3, 2020
Wes Bettcher
Received: April 1, 2020
Ellen Thompson
Received: April 1, 2020
Received: April 1, 2020
Received: April 1, 2020
Received: March 31, 2020
David Richardson
Received: March 31, 2020
Received: March 31, 2020
Received: March 29, 2020
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