You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Lord lift up everybody on this prayer list please lift up everybody’s heath as well as my family’s health and the animals out there who have no where to go an no food as for the people of Israel who have to hear war all day and night long please lift up this world lord. Thank you for all you do! Bless us all Prayers for my sister and nephew - prayers for a favorable outcome. Job and financial security - low drama at work and a positive end to the week Please lift up my mom‘s friend Pam she needs chemo, but unfortunately was denied due to. I’m assuming insurance purposes or not really exactly sure why but let’s pray that she lives long life that God touches her home, her health and her finances along with everyone else on this prayer board Along with everyone else in my family along with the people in Israel who’s trying to find peace, but can’t find any due to war please Lord help this world let us come to find peace and love one another be kind one another and please grandma good health, dear Lord Jesus for the ones in my family they are sick. I pray that you touched her hearts and their bodies and just lift them up deal or Jesus and give us comfort to the ones that are in the , I’ve been feeding a few stray cats the past week. It really touches my heart to see them suffering. Please make a way for the ones that I can’t feed to be taken care of and not suffer. I love you and I thank you for all my blessings. Please pray for my mom Loretta Laprade she is in LGH blood is critically low. Ct scan was normal, Egd was normal Prepped for colonoscopy today. Has had transfusions but blood levels are not going up and staying please pray for God to wrap his arms around mom as the doctors do their test. Mom is scared and 87 year old cancer survivor. Thank you Please lord lift up my family and friends my health and may peace be with Israel and may you be happy lord. Thank
You for all you do!!please lift up everybody on this prayer list lord thanks Prayers for a safe trip home from vacation. A good work week ahead and my nephew to have a second chance. Continued prayers for health, my mothers and myself. Job and financial security. Praise and continued safety for my nephew and sister to overcome his issues. Job and financial security for me Good health and independence for my mom and me. A safe vacation and travels to meet my friend at the beach. A good investment in this second vehicle. Good results on my health tests and continued loss of weight - a true partner (male) to enter my life Please lord lift up my family my home my health our health and the people on the list please lift up their home their faith our love for you. Please grant us peace with Israel and let things become better into this world. We love you Jesus. Be with my family, the marriages in my family the relationships in my family please give us comfort for those we’ve lost. Love us lord a guild us . We love you all. Jesus you are our lord and savior Please pray for my wife, Stephanie Rader. She suffered a serious injury to her ankle and leg while on a hike. She is having surgery on Wednesday morning, June 19. Please pray that the surgery is effective in treating her injuries and that she has a smooth recovery. My cousin Becky B has stage 3 cancer. Surgery to remove as much as possible has been done. Undergoing 3 different chemotherapy treatments simultaneously.Anonymous
Received: June 26, 2024
Received: June 26, 2024
Received: June 24, 2024
Tommy Woodford
Received: June 23, 2024
Received: June 22, 2024
Received: June 22, 2024
Received: June 20, 2024
Received: June 18, 2024
Jeremy Rader
Received: June 18, 2024
Dennis Anderson
Received: June 18, 2024
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