You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Just pray, please. I don't have any words the way everything is, just falling apart, everything One morning I woke up with a voice saying seek the kingdom of heaven and all his righteousness and everything be added on you.i am asking god to help me to seek his face. I feel pain 24 hours a day but I rather seek his face and healing and everything will be added on to me hallelujah Please pray for my body to be healed. Had back surgery 09/17/19. Then got a clot in my leg on 10/04/19. Praying for the large clot in my leg to become dissolved and not moved to my lungs. Thank you. I pray in the name of Jesus that I am able to get control of my mind and thoughts. I pray for my mind to settle down so I can focus. I pray for my daughter Amber to be able to get her life back together and have things work out for her benefit. I pray that my husband will leave me alone and stay out of my mind, head, thoughts and feelings. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME MY HEATH MAKE ME WHOLE AGAIN FROM HEAD TO TOE STRONGER FAITH PROTECT MY HOME FROM ANY THING KEEP SATAN AWAY FROM US THANK YOU JESUS I would like prayers for my family and for people to be kind to each other. Please,Allow me’/Us’,A-Very restful/Peaceful-“Nap-Time’”,4,2Day,&,Always’,&,n,The Dear-Heavenly Fathers name’,IvPray’!!
AMEN’!!! Dear JESUS Daily, hi. How are All of You doing? My Prayer Requests are: 1) For Physical Healing; 2)For Financial Healing; 3)For Marital Healing; 4)For My Wife, for Continuous Prayer, that She will continue to receive Substitute Teaching Positions, and that She will continue to do well; 5)For My Mother in Law, who is in failing health. I thank All of You for praying for Us. I am praying for All of You. I pray that this texting finds All of You well. With Love, from Your Brother in Christ, and Your Friend, V. JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU, and so do I. I am asking for a prayer request to wean off food and strength to move into a fast for spiritual balance.Andre Vermeulen
Received: November 18, 2019
Marcia Samuels
Received: November 18, 2019
Received: November 18, 2019
Terry Ann Barcus
Received: November 18, 2019
Leon Howard
Received: November 18, 2019
Received: November 18, 2019
Received: November 18, 2019
Received: November 18, 2019
Received: November 18, 2019
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