You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Please Jesus, I ask of you to provide me with a job, high pay so I can pay my bills and continue to provide for my three boy’s. Single mother. Protect my boys and I. Thank you Jesus Amen. Please pray that from this moment and moving forward all of my work/school will be approved so I can graduate as soon as possible. Thank you Jesus Amen. And protect my boys and me. I pray for the success of my NZ Pac Resident Visa, a stable job and good health of me n my family.
Thank you.
God bless Please pray for my family ..
To get nice life partner for my elder sister.
And to get financial breakthrough .. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder. The Lord my Savior has been with me since I was a toddler for I knew my bedtime prayers Mother taught me that I said every night from year old to present. My prayer is to overcome the the many traumas in my life. Some I have overcome, but my depression is due to chemical and hormonal changes from my 4th C-section for second ectopic pregnancy resulting in comlete hysterectomy. I'm seeing a Psychologist and Psychiatrist and especially I pray and talk to Jesus, even outloud. I know I can do all things through Christ who strenghens me with no doubt. I need as many prayers I can receive. So please pray for me to myself back to the vibrant person I once was before before being traumatized by too many men and these are not all boyfriends. Bosses, Police Officer, a Physician I worked for were all sexually harrasing and two sexual assault.
Thank you graciously and God bless and keep you all,
Susan Smith Please Pray For My Boyfriend Of 15 Plus Years His Name Is Jim...Pray That He May Find Peace & The Woman He Is Truly Meant To Be With. In Jesus Name...Thank You For Your Love & Prayers. My number one prayer is for me to let the past go once & for all To truly Love & Accept Myself For Who I Am...So I May Enjoy True Love, Peace & Abundance In My Life...In Jesus Precious Name..
Amen... Jai. Mashi brother Christ Alex. Please pray for me for my lower back pain which is paining too much in the morning when l get up from the bed. I can not stand and sit properly. I believe in your prayer. Amen. Trebam molitvu za zdravlje duha duse i tjela moje obitelji posebno moje kcerke koja je silovana prije 7.godina pije jake ljekove od kojih je dobila 30.kilograma ovaj svjet je tako okrutan samo Bog moze iscjelit njene rane i duhovne napade.BVB Pray for my education &my family &pray for my brother please &pray for i&my brother examination Anonymous
Received: October 31, 2019
Received: October 31, 2019
Received: October 31, 2019
Received: October 31, 2019
Susan Guinn Smith
Received: October 31, 2019
Maria Picone
Received: October 31, 2019
Maria Picone
Received: October 31, 2019
Tarun Rai
Received: October 31, 2019
Received: October 31, 2019
Prakruthi. R
Received: October 30, 2019
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