You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Please pray for my depression and for me to find my purpose in life. Please help me to write my book, as I believe God wants me to do this and it would be a huge financial blessing. Please pray for my loneliness and abandonment feelings. Please pray for my aunt Barbara to reach out to me. Please pray for my pain issues and to stop . Pray for me to be the best mother I can possibly be. A mother my daughter is proud of. Pray for our living situation that Barbara opens her eyes and Jenn and Chris have to leave. Pray for Jenn and Chris to stop doing drugs and to seek God. Pray for me and my daughter to have a stable place to live and for me to receive a financial blessing. I am so in need. Pray that my daughter Maylin scores well on her SATs so she may get into a good college. Pray that we can pay for her college. Pray that, if it is God's will, her father, my husband Alexi, we will have a reunification. He cheated on me in 2006, impregnated my cousin, left in 2008 to live w her, however, more importantly, pray Alexi comes to Christ. Please, in the name of Jesus. If it's not God's will, pray that God puts a godly and good man in my life. I've raised my daughter alone and she is a 16 year old Christian young woman of excellence. I've been alone since 2008. Pray I'm able to let go of Alexi if it's not God's will but please bring him to Christ. Please open his heart so we may coparent. Pray for an unspoken request on my heart. Pray for reunification with my cousins, both the family I grew up with (I consider my real family) and my biological family. A reunification with my bio mother and father. I know them but not close at all. Pray that my bio brother Paul would like to know me. Pray that my bio uncle Jeff reaches out to me. Pray my cousin Angela, the one w my husband learns to be kind and loving to me and my daughter and comes to Christ. Also, her two daughters 12 and 9. Pray for my home to be protected from any evil people entering it and for Barbara to really know what's going on. Pray to take both my daughter Maylin and my anxiety away. Pray to heal my daughter's dry scalp bc she's so embarrassed. I apologize for so many requests. I desperately need prayers. Pray for a boy named Jonathan whom has cystic fibrosis to feel better and to be able to come to church and youth group. He just spent a month in Children's Hospital. Pray for his parents Mariela and Garry. Pray for my heart to stay healthy as I had a heart attack this summer. Pray for me to stay away from bad influences. Pray for me to be the best mother, a shining example, for my daughter. She so deserves it. Pray I make good decisions. Pray for my brother Bruce to realize how much he has hurt me and to repent and ask me for forgiveness. I have forgiven him. Pray for my brother Bruce for a reunification with his two daughters. He hasn't seen or spoken with them in 14 years. Pray for Fausto to turn from his evil talk, ways, selfishness, greediness, and so much more. Pray for him to seek Christ first and to read or listen to Christian radio. He really needs prayer. I and others believe he is possessed. Pray for the demon of addiction to leave Jenn and Chris and anyone else who struggles w this. Pray for my aunt Barbara who just lost my uncle Joe, for comfort, strength, and peace. Pray for her to reach out to me PLEASE. Pray for my problems of feeling insecure, lonely, and abandoned. Pray for Barbara to demand Jenn and Chris to leave this house at once, for our safety. Pray for my relationship w God to grow and for me to not miss Bible study on Tuesdays. I humbly thank you all for taking the time to read this and for praying for these requests. God is so good. I will be praying for all of your requests. God bless you all. My son gets a internship and always stays close to you. For Cathy, Dr C wife cancer, for all my family to be saved. Thank you for my healing from depression and anxiety Please pray for my daughter Maylin to do well in her Jr. yr. of high school. Please pray for our relationship/ mom daughter. Please pray for peace between her father( husband) been separated for 11 years. Please let us be able to coparent and for him, Alexi to come to Jesus. Let him come to church to get to know the Lord, and see our daughter sing in the choir as this would mean so much to us. Please pray for my health. I have bad arthritis in my right hip and the pain in debilitating. Also, pray for a stable home for me and my daughter. Please pray for a financial blessing for me also. Please pray for my spiritual growth and to keep evil far away from me and my daughter. Pray for Barbara's eyes to be opened to what's going on in her home. Dear brother Christ Alex please prarthana for me for my lower back pain which was hurt one year ago due to Scutty Accident. I believe only your pray can cure my this lower back pain and also believe that nothing is impossible for Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I need prayer for fire to come back into my soul for Christ, I have been struggling so much because I live with a man who don't believe as I do, although he is getting better, I'm just having a hard time forgiving him for the things he said and did, and it has taken my fire and passion I had for Christ from me, I just need it back, and it has been an up hill battle for a long time. For my Posterity to be always covered by the blood of Jesus, even when I have left this earth and cannot pray for them. Pray for my village (muchintala), and please pray for my family and my relatives stay with out any misunderstandings... Please pray for my family,esp. My grandsons who have addiction and mental health issues...Michael is so very addicted to akcohol and drugs, is 27 and is in and out of jail for fighting when using..He has a beautiful heart when sober,but cannot deal with life...his brother Mark is also struggling with addictions and depression....Their mother ,my daughter ,is also an addict and bi polar,has severe auto immune issues...She is 47 and uses,a wheelchair...her husband a d the boys father,died suddenly in his sleep at age 46 from a heart attack 7 yrs ago...theboys have been lost without him and having to deal with their mother's issues is very stressful...God bless all of you for your precious prayers,Amen I wish good health for my parents and Hod's blessings to help them overcome their sorrow and pain. Help me have a life I have always wished to. With god's blessing AmenHolly
Received: November 2, 2019
Received: November 2, 2019
Received: November 2, 2019
Received: November 2, 2019
Tarun Rai
Received: November 2, 2019
Received: November 1, 2019
Wallis Griffith
Received: November 1, 2019
Received: November 1, 2019
Linda Helene Burns
Received: November 1, 2019
Alisha Sood
Received: November 1, 2019
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