You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Please pray for good health for me and my family and to keep my God kids Matthew and Alexia safe at all times and God you know the rest.Amen. I pray that my two pregnant daughters have no complications with their pregnancy’s & that they have healthy babies & that their delivery’s aren’t too painful in Jesus name Amen Dear JESUS Daily, hi. How are All of You doing? Sorry it's been awhile. GOD helped Me figure out the problem: too many old gmails. My Prayer Requests are: 1)For Physical Healing; 2)For Financial Healing; 3)For Marital Healing; 4)For My Mother in Law's Physical Healing. The Fifth One is a Praise, and Prayer Request: The Praise is that My Wife is, finally, Substitute Teaching; the Prayer Request is that it continues to work well. Please know that I have not stopped praying for All of You. I pray that this texting finds All of You well. With Love, from Your Brother in Christ, and Your Friend, V. JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU, and so do I. For my career breakthrough n longlifein christ... Also prayers for my family members Please heal my kidneys I am on dialysis now....I have continuous back pain I can hardly walk at all....God Bless you ..................Amen
. I only ask, that our financial situation, comes to a halt for my husband and I please. I'm in need of heating fuel. Were only allowed a 100 gallons at a time. Unable to receive help, through the government. We've never had to ask anything from them, and we always helped so many others. But I am asking for prayers, that we shall beat this situation through, our grace of God and his son Jesus Christ. Will you please pray for us? Were late on our rent, as we were last month. Our landlord, he doesn't have any type of a heart when it comes to this. We pay, $1300.00, every single month. And we have never been late, living here for over 2 years. But unfortunately we were late last month. They took over half of my disability check, I only receive monthly. It was supposed to of been, $964.00, but I only received $542.00 in October. Now this month, they took more money, because Social Service's will not cover my premium B, for me. So Social security, only allowed me, $812.00. For November. Please I desperately needs these prayers, my heart only aches me now. God bless you all, Joyce Welcher. Trying times, today for my husband. I'm seeking a huge request, for a blessing of financial help, I keep praying for. My husband is 50 years old, and needs a better paying job. $11.75, isn't paying our Bill's. We're late on our rent again this month. Just like it was last month. I'm unable to receive any type of help, through Social Service's. My check from S.S.l, has been cut, because Social Service's will not cover my premium B plan. I can only ask of one thing. That a miracle will come through for my husband and myself. No heating fuel, and today is November the 1st. That's how bad it has gotten on us today. I once had good money, helped everyone in need of money. But please, I'm asking of you, pray that my husband finds a better paying job, and Social Service's, will also realize, were in need of their help. We have no money. And God doesn't want to see any of us broke. My faith only gets stronger, and my prayers never stop. Through the grace of God and his son Jesus Christ, will you pray for us. Thank you, God bless you, Joyce Welcher. In our time of needs. My financial situations are seriously bad for my husband and I today. My husband is looking for better pay. Because I am disabled, Social Security, is taking my premium B, out of the money I only receive every month. My husband only makes $11.75 an hour. But I keep telling him, something good is coming your way. Please never lose your faith in God. Because of his age, being 50 years old, he doesn't listen to me. Could you please pray, that another job is coming soon for my husband. He's a good man, and he needs to remember this. So again, were financially struggling, and the government will not allow us any help, because were over the scale limit of $291.00. Which I believe, we are most definitely qualified. God bless you, Joyce Welcher. Desperately seeking Gods help!! Brothers and sisters can you help me to do something that will help me feel better, hurting in my body of nothing, I need to feel like I’m calmRuby Zimmerman
Received: November 1, 2019
Received: November 1, 2019
Received: November 1, 2019
Tabitha Musau
Received: November 1, 2019
Shirley Isabell
Received: November 1, 2019
Joyce Welcher
Received: November 1, 2019
Joyce Welcher
Received: November 1, 2019
Received: November 1, 2019
This prayer has been answered!
Manny ducker
Received: November 1, 2019
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