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I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Leon Howard


Received: October 28, 2019

Jimmy Hill


Received: October 28, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


That the holy Spirit will open my eyes and ears to know him more and see him more in everything I do, so that God will bless me in all areas of my life in Jesus name amen

Received: October 28, 2019

jaydee joan moser regnier

I pray for world peace and no hunger

Received: October 28, 2019


I pray that you take care of my family and friends. All the people that need healing and for me my health and to get a car. I pray for you for keeping me by your side always. I love you..

Received: October 28, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Janis Phillips Keller

I am in an assisted living facility. It’s small. There are 5 of us here. The owner has tuned off the heat and we are having some cold days here in Gainesville, Georgia. One lady has arthritis in both legs, and since the heat has been off, for about 3 weeks, she never smiles. She is always in pain. Could someone pray for her? Thank you so much

Received: October 28, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


My co worker that I work closely with everyday and I are in a completely different personality zone

I don't say anything to her but feel like she bullies me daily. I'm not going to run and tell on her because that will cause drama. I love peace and that's what I need with her. I don't have a choice but to work with her.

Received: October 28, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


First of all I'm married... I have a 1years baby.... My marriage life is not so good.... There is 11members in my family .... But problem is my husband don't care me don't respect me.... I tried alot to been happy with him and his family but that not work.... He always think about his self not me in any situation..... I thought I am here only a kamwali bai.... I am also Christian my mother sister all believe in Jesus but my husband is totally opposite to me.... He never believe in Jesus..... he and his family laugh on Jesus Christ what to do

Received: October 28, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Lord Jesus Please protect my family and friends, help my family with financial problems and my moms liver cirrhosis, heal all the people in the world and help everyone in need, please remove all the negative thoughts in my head I am struggling with mental health and I really need help mentally so please pray for me and my well being and remove the bad evil thoughts, please can you also pray for my financial issues also as I am in need with a job and I pray I get one soon, and I get my goals, I pray for a sign Jesus i love you and god dearly, please can you protect my Nan as she is very ill and old. Jesus I am also struggling with self consciousness and an embarrassing addiction and I really want to stop so can you pray and give me will power to not give up and keep fighting, I also one my confidence back and my anxiety to go, but please can you protect my family with love and help us out financially and protect my friends and their family’s and forgive everyone who has done bad, protect the animals and pray for our planet as it is in danger from climate change and I have noticed this world is very evil growing up and please don’t give up faith on us I want to help change the world one day positively and help lives, I love you god with all my heart and you are my everything so are you Jesus your are my lord also and I accept you in my life and I love you and also the sikh gurus, amen

Received: October 28, 2019


God bless n protect my 6 children n 4 grandchildren n my daughter in law n bring peace n harmony prosperity n POUR YOUR BLESSINGS FOR MY HEALTH N MENTAL IN MY KIDS HUMBLY I BEG YOU OH LORD TO FORGIVE US FOR OUR DOWN FALLS TY FOR ALL U BLESS US WITH WE LOVE YOU ALMIGHTY GOD AMEN

Received: October 28, 2019

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