July 2, 2022


Read – Psalms 68

What does it say?
The psalmist exalted God as a mighty conqueror who protected and delivered His people in battle, leading them to victory over their enemies. He is worthy of praise.

What does it mean?
This psalm celebrates God’s faithfulness to His people and examines His past victories over Israel’s enemies. The prophetic nature of this chapter also looks forward to the Millennium when Christ will exhibit His authority over the entire world. Jesus, who alone is worthy of worship, will be acknowledged as King for providing deliverance and salvation to His people. A victorious procession of believers will worship the Lord in awe and with continual praise and obedience.

How should I respond?
Life sometimes feels like a war in which our circumstances and people seem to battle against us. Remember, even though this present world does not acknowledge Christ as King, God is in control. As His people, we should worship Him for who He is and for His continuing authority in all situations. When life takes a downward spiral, turn to the King who rules over all circumstances. He is not caught off balance. The battles you’ll face today are opportunities for God to show His authority. Choose to focus on God and His provision. Let His abilities and His power give you confidence and lead you to victorious worship.