What does it say?
When wise, true, and reliable teaching is applied to the heart, it increases trust in the Lord and provides a person with sound answers.
What does it mean?
Solomon compiled 30 true and reliable sayings from other wise men to impart knowledge and wisdom to his readers (22:22 – 24:34). Even though he was considered the wisest of the wise, Solomon listened to what others had to say. He gave his reader four actions to take: pay attention, listen, apply the teaching, and keep the truths in your heart. Life change isn’t created by simply listening to wise and godly teaching – it must be pursued by meditating on the passage of Scripture and putting into practice what you learn. As a result, trust in God increases, and trustworthy advice can be given to others.
How should I respond?
To whom do you turn for advice? What is their source of knowledge and wisdom? If those you turn to are getting their answers for life anywhere other than Scripture, their advice is risky. So how can we follow Solomon’s prescription for wisdom today? First, recognize that God’s Word is the only reliable source of wisdom. Pay attention to what it says and listen to others who trust Scripture as the final authority for their lives. Then really think about the implication of a particular passage. How can you put it into practice immediately? Knowledge comes from reading and listening, but wisdom is the result of applying that knowledge.