

Read – Proverbs 23:1-11

What does it say?
The next five Sayings of the Wise warn against gluttony, overwork, hypocrites, fools, and stealing from the fatherless.

What does it mean?
The five sayings considered in this passage tell the reader how to deal wisely with his own desires as well as how to relate to different types of people. Many of the 30 Sayings of the Wise are warnings and start with “do not,” followed by a reason for the warning. While anyone can benefit by following the warnings and wise counsel in Proverbs, those who seek to live godly lives should pay particular attention. Throughout Proverbs, wise living and godly living are synonymous.

How should I respond?
Few of us like to hear the words, “do not.” The human spirit typically rebels against being told what attitudes and behaviors are acceptable. When the Bible says, “do not,” it isn’t simply for the sake of behavior modification; it is rooted in God’s reasoning. How do you respond to the “do not’s” in Scripture? Do you trust God’s character to set your pattern for moral and ethical living? As you read the 30 Sayings of the Wise, stop and consider the reasons given for the warnings. Then ask God to show you which bits of wisdom need to be applied to your current circumstances. Whether dealing with your own desires or relating to others, godly wisdom always has your best interest at heart.