2016 Week 10 – Matthew 26:28

Welcome to our 10th week of memorizing scripture together in 2016 – Our primary source for memorization is the NKJV. Others are presented to give breath and depth to the passages.

This week is – Matthew 26:28

NKJV – “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”

Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you this verse. Read the verse out loud 5 times a day, by yourself, with your family, with your Life Group


NIV – “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins

NLT – “for this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many

Spanish – “Esto es mi sangre del pacto, que es derramada por muchos para el perdón de pecados

Korean – “이 것 은 죄 사 함 을 얻 게 하 려 고 많 은 사 람 을 위 하 여 흘 리 는 바 나 의 피 곧 언 약 의 피 니 라

Russian – “Это Моя кровь завета, проливаемая за многих людей для прощения грехов

Quiché – “Jeˈ ta ne chi are nu quiqˈuel waˈ ri cujiquiba ri cˈacˈ trato ru banom ri Dios cucˈ ri winak. Cäturuw cˈu na waˈ ri nu quiqˈuel che sachbal qui mac qˈuia winak